星期四, 5月 01, 2008


Computer Game Helps COPD Patients Breathe Better

原文:15 Apr 2008 2008年4月15日
根據新的研究,慢性阻塞性肺疾病( COPD )病患,經訓練玩利用呼氣控制的電腦遊戲,可能獲得更好地控制他們的呼吸。

"COPD is a double-edged sword: the incapacitating lung condition can cause such serious shortness of breath that every-day physical activity, such as walking a flight of stairs, becomes unduly burdensome-and yet one of the few effective symptomatic treatments for COPD is the very thing that its victims dread most: exercise," said leading researcher Eileen G. Collins, Ph.D., of the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital in Hines, Illinois and UIC.
「慢性阻塞性肺病是一把雙刃劍:功能不夠的肺可能會導致嚴重的呼吸急促,以致於每天的活動,例如上樓梯,成為過於沉重的負荷。而其中的幾個有效的症狀治療:運動,也是慢性阻塞性肺疾患者非常恐懼的。」領導這項研究的Eileen G. Collins博士如是說。

"This computerized program is still in the research stages, but shows promise for future use in pulmonary rehabilitation programs."
「這個電腦程式仍是在研究階段,但顯示的令人滿意的結果,以供未來使用在肺復健計劃」 。

The results of this randomized, controlled study appeared in the April 15 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, published by the American Thoracic Society.

COPD patients with the greatest disability are also those most likely to be unable to exercise long enough to reap the benefits rehabilitation can offer them.

"One of the key mechanisms of shortness of breath and exercise impairment in these patients," Dr. Collins said, "is their inability to fully exhale air when active."
「其中一個重要的機制,氣促及運動障礙,在這些患者中, 」Collins博士說: 「是他們在活動時無法充分呼出的空氣」 。
This phenomenon causes trapping of air in the lungs-ie, dynamic hyperinflation-and diminishes the patient's breathing efficiency.

Dr. Collins and colleagues designed a randomized, controlled trial, the first of its kind, to test whether this computer program could decrease the extent of air trapping during exercise and thus improve the results of rehabilitation in COPD patients.

"Our primary goal was to determine if patients with COPD would achieve longer exercise duration if they were engaged in ventilation feedback, in addition to the regular exercise program over either ventilation feedback or exercise alone," said Dr. Collins.

A total of 64 patients were randomized to three groups- exercise alone, exercise plus ventilation feedback (VF) or VF alone.

VF patients had their breathing monitored by a computer program which provided them with real-time biofeedback and set individualized goals, presented graphically on a screen in front of them.

Patients could see their current speed and depth of breathing in relation to the set goal, encouraging them to inhale more slowly and exhale more completely in order to achieve the goal.

At baseline, the groups all performed similarly in exercise tolerance tests.

Comparing all the groups, those that underwent a regimen of exercise and ventilation feedback showed significant improvements in exercise duration, and those who underwent exercise alone fared much better than those who only received ventilation feedback.

Because of the multiple comparisons between groups, the exercise-plus-ventilation feedback group did not attain statistically significant improvements over the exercise-only group, but the results indicated a strong trend in that direction.

Exercise-induced hyperinflation was also reduced in patients randomized to exercise-plus-ventilation feedback over either program by itself.

Duration of exercise tolerance in the exercise-plus-ventilation feedback group also showed a significant trend toward improvement.

If patients can be taught to translate these breathing techniques from the computer game to activities of daily living, they could potentially greatly improve their quality of life.

"We are conducting a follow-up clinical trial to compare computerized breathing feedback with other unique methods of pulmonary rehabilitation," said Dr. Collins. 「我們正進行後續的臨床試驗,以比較電腦呼吸的反饋,與其他獨特的肺部復健方法 」Collins博士如是說。

Published in the American Thoracic Society's peer-reviewed journal, the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Founded in 1905, the American Thoracic Society is the world's leading medical association dedicated to advancing pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine.

The Society has more than 18,000 members who prevent and fight respiratory disease around the globe, through research, education, patient care and advocacy.

American Thoracic Society 美國胸腔學會


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